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Bienvenue sur le site de French With Anne !

Bonjour ! My name is Anne Cahuzac and I am a native of France, born in Brest, Brittany. I understand the challenges of learning a new language as I faced them myself when I moved to the USA 15 years ago. I learned that what you learn in a book or at school may not always be helpful in real-life situations. To become fluent in a language, it's important to practice what you've learned regularly. That's why I've been teaching French for over 10 years to both kids and adults, from beginner to advanced levels. Whether you're looking to learn the basics or need a refresher course, I offer online or in-person, one-on-one or small-group French lessons. You can also check out my blog or my YouTube page for loads of free content. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me!

Our Services

Tout savoir sur les adverbes. All about adverbs.
Améliorer son expression. Remplacer faire par un verbe équivalent
le verbe avoir, les conjugaisons, 2ème partie
Remplacer avoir par un équivalent. Comment éviter de répéter le verbe avoir trop souvent.
Conjugaison pour débutants, le verbe finir (to finish)
Quiz/Test conjugaison #3
Vocabulaire du printemps. Spring Vocabulary for beginners
Conjugaison pour débutants : le verbe se promener.

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