First let’s review how to use “est-ce que” to ask a question. Remember ? You just add “est-ce que” before a sentence to make it into a question. Also remember that usually “est-ce que” questions can only be answered by OUI ou NON. It is the same for the inversion.
For example :
Vous voulez jouer au ballon = statement (You want to play ball)
Est-ce que vous voulez jouer au ballon ? = question. (Do you want to play ball)
Another way to ask a question is to switch the subject (pronoun) and the verb places and add a dash between the two.
For example :
Vous voulez jouer au ballon = statement (You want to play ball)
Voulez-vous jouer au ballon ? = question. (Do you want to play ball)
Attention ! There is a catch !
If the subject is NOT a pronoun (Je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles) You can’t just switch the verb and the subject, you have to add a pronoun and then use the verb+dash+pronoun form.
The statement form is : subject + verb + rest of the sentence.
The question form is : Subject + verb + dash + pronoun + rest of the sentence.
For example :
1) Emilie veut jouer. = statement. Emilie wants to play.
Emilie veut-elle jouer ? = question. Does Emilie want to play ?
2) Thomas est un garçon. = statement. Thomas is a boy.
Thomas est-il un garçon ? = question : Is Thomas a boy ?
Try it ! Transform the following sentences into questions :
Tu as un sac bleu. _______________________________________________________________
Il a une voiture rouge. _______________________________________________________________
Tu manges une pizza. _______________________________________________________________
Thomas achète du jus d’orange. _______________________________________________________________
Nous voulons de l’eau. _______________________________________________________________
Vous aimez avoir des amis. _______________________________________________________________
Emilie et Thomas vont en voiture au magasin. _______________________________________________________________
Exercise : translate the question, then answer them in French.
As-tu faim ?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Veux-tu manger une pizza ? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ton père aime-t-il jouer au ballon ? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Avez-vous deux télévisions à la maison ?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Veux-tu boire du jus d’orange ? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ta maman est-elle contente ? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Vois-tu une voiture ? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Last, but not least, we have to add a “t” between the verb and the pronoun when the verb ends with a vowel and the pronoun begins with a vowel. This letter is just to ease pronunciation, but don’t forget to say it or you’re going to sound weird.
Examples :
Emilie aime-t-elle boire du lait ? (Does Emilie like to drink milk?)
Thomas mange-t-il un gâteau ? (Does Thomas eat a cake?)
La maman a-t-elle une voiture ? (Does the mom have a car?)
To be fair, let’s say that “est-ce que” is used much more than the inversion in everyday conversation. So if you have to remember only one way, remember “est-ce que” !
Voir aussi / See also: