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La Belle et la bête, 2ème épisode

Writer's picture: frenchwithannefrenchwithanne

Le père de Belle reçoit une mauvaise nouvelle.


Belle's father receives bad news.


Belle's father is a wealthy merchant. He has many ships that travel the world filled with a thousand riches: gold, jewels, precious stones and rare and expensive fabrics.


One day, Belle's father receives terrible news. All his ships disappeared at sea. All his fortune disappeared with the boats. He is ruined!


Belle's father must sell his house and everything he owns to pay his creditors. Belle and her family move into an old hovel in the countryside.


The three sons help their father. Belle makes small objects that she will sell at the market. Only the two sisters, Sophie and Marie, do nothing. They complain all day long.


Months pass. One day a letter arrives. One of the boats would be back! If this is true, the family is saved and can return to town. Quickly, the father packs his suitcase and prepares to leave. He asks each of his children what gift they want.


The three sons ask for new clothes. Marie and Sophie are asking for jewelry and beautiful dresses. Belle doesn't want anything. When her father insists, she says to him: “Bring me a rose. A single rose.”


The father leaves with his suitcase and the list of gifts.

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