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Mini-grammaire: les questions (part 3)

1- Les questions (part 3)

a- Questions words.

  • Combien - how much / how many

  • Comment - how

  • - where

  • Pourquoi - why

  • Quand - when

  • Que/qu'/Quoi - what

  • Qui - who

  • Quel/Quelle/quels/quelles - which

b- How to make a question with a question word.

Structure : You have 3 choices:

1- the raising intonation : The question word is placed at the beginning of the sentence, your voice is going up at the end of the sentence to make it interrogative. Nothing in the sentence is changed. Remember that you should very rarely use this structure, it’s very casual.

  • Example : Pourquoi tu ris ? (why do you laugh?)

2- “Est-ce que” : The question word and "est-ce que" are added at the beginning of the sentence to make it interrogative, nothing else changes. You still have to raise your voice at the end. It is still a casual way to ask a question.

  • Example : Pourquoi est-ce que tu ris ?

3- the inversion : The question word goes at the beginning of the sentence, the subject and the verb switch places. This is the more polite way to ask a question.

  • Example: Pourquoi ris-tu ?


Exercise :

Find the correct question word in the word bank, complete the question and translate:

Comment / qu' / où / qui / quand / quelle / pourquoi / combien

1- ___________ vas-tu ?


2- ____________ est-ce que tu pleures ?


3- _______est-ce qu'il veut ?


4- _________ est la souris ?


5- ___________ d’enfants vois-tu ?


6- ________ êtes-vous ?


7- __________ est-ce que Thomas va à l’école ?


8- __________ heure est-il ?


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